Archangel Ariel, with the loveliest aura of pink,
Thanks for your great work and your energy,
For our Mother Earth and our personal link,
To all the inhabitants and the beauty we see.
Often we think we are alone in our good deeds.
We tend to forget you, behind the scene,
Getting what’s needed and sowing the seeds,
For Earthly creation, and many a bean.
We take much for granted in all that is here,
Surrounding us, supporting us, helping us live.
While you send us love, we forget that you’re near,
With Godly protection, guidance, and all you give.
Never expecting a thank you or tip of the hat,
In response to your loving gifts and all that we got.
Our planet ,our animals ,vegetation, food to get fat,
Our experience, our pleasure, so much in the pot!
Even when we ignore you, you’re still around,
Still sending us blessings, without a sound.
Once again, I say Thanks, from this Holy Ground!